Submit competition application as per stated deadlines.
Pay a non-refundable $25.00 entry fee for registration by Friday, April 5, 2019.
Perform at the stroll competition according to the judging criteria stated in the show information packet.
Teams will be judged in the areas of:
Creativity/Originality (10 points)
Uniformity (10 points)
Crowd Response (10 points)
Enthusiasm (10 points)
Difficulty (10 points)
Notify the stroll competition committee no less than 10 days prior to the show date, in the event the team cannot perform.
The stroll team assumes all risk in its performance of all activities authorized by this agreement, and is responsible for all actions whatsoever committed by your team that may cause harm or injury to persons or property.
The order of the show will be determined by a random drawing.
There will be a panel of five judges and a timekeeper.
Adhere to Regulations:
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and the Stroll ompetition committee will not be held responsible for the actions of the contestants.
Each stroll team will delegate a “Captain,” that will disseminate all information in to his or her respective team.
Stroll teams should consist of a minimum of three (3) strollers and a maximum of nine (9).
Undergraduate, graduate, and/or mixed teams from the same organization (undergraduates and graduates) are eligible to compete.
Members of your stroll team can be from more than one chapter,
There will be three themed competition rounds and one sudden death round (if needed) to determine winners.
Round 2: Old School (Any song from the 90s era or prior)
Round 3: Freestyle (You decide the theme!)
Each team is required to prepare one stroll per round.
Each stroll should be a maximum of 4 min each. A three (3) point deduction will be made for every 15 seconds over four (4) minutes.
Time will start once music begins playing.
All music must be emailed to with a description of the order of use. Teams MUST also bring their music on a flash drive as backup.
I.E. “Round 1: Drake – Jumpman, Round 2: Rihanna – Work …”
In the event of a “Sudden Death” round, the teams will have the opportunity to choose one of the three pre-selected songs to stroll to. Each team will have 2 minutes to stroll. The CROWD will then select a winner.