The use of profanity and sexually explicit material will result in deductions. The judges will make decisions as to what constitutes profanity or sexually explicit material. Deduction decisions will be made at the
discretion of the judges.
Each step team will have a minimum of 5 people and a total of 15 minutes to perform, including introduction and exit. The clock starts when the first member steps in full view of the judges in synchronous with the
music and vocal elements.
Five points will be deducted for teams over 15 minutes.
The highest score wins the competition.
All music must be sent to PBSWest no later than March 8, 2019. A person may be assigned to instruct the sound person during the performance.
The DJ is not responsible for any music that is not properly recorded or played at specific segments/sequences.
Any team that does not comply with the aforementioned rules and regulations will receive a deduction in scores and/or be disqualified.
Each team must sign a performance waiver. If the waiver is not signed by all team members the team will not be allowed to participate.
No pyrotechnic or weapons will be allowed. Any special equipment request should be specified to the International Conclave 2019 Step Show Committee Chair.
All teams (including stage managers) must consist of recognized financial members of the Fraternity as prescribed in the constitution and bylaws and registered at the conference.
In the event of a tie, each team will face-off together on stage with a pre-rehearsed stroll performance that is not to exceed five (5) minutes that will be judged on three criteria: