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Hosting Collegiate Chapter Welcome
Greetings Brothers!
It is both an honor and a privilege to be the host chapter for the 65th Western Regional Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. I hope that you enjoy your stay in our city and to also enjoy the amenities of The D Hotel in Downtown Las Vegas. There is much to do this weekend, so it is recommended to enjoy the city after conducting business. One of the closest places to visit is Fremont Street and that is only a walk down the street from The D Hotel.
Since Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. will be taking over the city, make sure to fellowship with brothers of the Western Region to build on our principle of Brotherhood. It is also our duty to make sure we uphold our principles and to keep impacting our communities with hard work and service. It is even better to see it when brothers in the Western Region are doing work!
As we get closer to our Western Regional Conference, I hope that all brothers can make it and to do it safely. I would like to give my sincere thanks to the brothers in the Western Region Planning Committee, with their efforts we are able to come together as a region again. I look forward to greeting you all and to strengthen the bonds with each other at this conference. The brothers of Epsilon Psi Sigma and Pi Zeta are looking forward to seeing you in the city that never sleeps.
Bro. Omar Lazo
President | Pi Zeta Chapter
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated