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2nd Vice Dir., Welcome
Welcome to our 65th annual regional conference in the beautiful city of Las Vegas, NV. It is truly an honor to serve as your current Western Regional 2nd Vice Director. I just want to take a moment to thank the sponsoring chapters for all the work and planning put into this weekend, to ensure an experience you shall not soon forget. I would also like to thank our sponsors and guest, for taking a moment out of their lives to share in the festivities. Lastly, I want to thank you brothers, for continuing to exemplify our fraternity's principles and motto and serving as representatives for your chapter.
As we come together, I am always reminded of what it means to be around like minded individuals that continue to serve and positively impact our community on a day to day basis. I am reminded that no matter what, "I will herald and defend this organization, even against the world". I am always reminded, that when I hear someone scream,"Blu Phi!!!", our call to action is swift and with great promise. As I close out my term and look towards the future of the Western Region, I see nothing, but promising young brothers. I see the promise of future leaders, allowing our cause to speed on. I see brothers of young and old, standing side by side, standing before the test of time and making one thing clear: "Sigma, more than a fraternity, we are the standard by which all others are measured."

Bro. Trenton Joiner
Gamma Upsilon Gamma Chapter
2nd Vice Director | Western Region
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated