Thursday, June 7, 2018 | 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM PST
Town Hall Agenda: MONEY POWER RESPECT Series:
Panel Discussion moderated by Julian Heyward, Vice President at Allianz Global Investors
Panel Guests: Financial Professional, Real Estate Professional, Community Leaders
Topic: Achieving Economic Wisdom and Sustaining Wealth in Underserved Communities1. MONEY
a. Common pitfalls - A belief system that doesn’t embrace financial literacy leads to low to no savings, going into debt, etc.
b. Money Management 101: Wealth Creation takes DISCIPLINE
c. Building Bigger and Better Businesses2. POWER
a. Buying power is not power. Consumerism = Indentured Servanthood
b. An Educated Consumer also has ownership
c. Ownership is power.3. RESPECT
a. Why are underserved communities “underserved”?
b. If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu
c. Obtaining true equality through Social Action on Macro and Micro levels