This month, we honor the trailblazers, visionaries, and changemakers who have shaped history and continue to inspire future generations. As Men of Sigma, we remain committed to Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Service, uplifting our communities and carrying forward a legacy of excellence. Let’s celebrate, educate, and empower!
Black History Month is an annual celebration in the United States that takes place every February. It honors the history, achievements, and contributions of Black Americans to society, highlighting their impact across various fields such as politics, arts, science, and social justice. The month also serves as a time to reflect on the ongoing struggles for equality and civil rights.
The origins of Black History Month go back to 1926 when historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of African American Life and History established Negro History Week, which was later expanded into the full month in 1976 during the nation’s bicentennial.