Honoring our history is an essential duty we have to those who have come before us. It is an even greater duty to honor those who sacrificed their lives for a cause greater than themselves. November 11 is set aside to honor this special group of men and women. Heroes, who throughout history have sacrificed their lives on American soil and around the world for a cause called Freedom. Freedom is defined as the quality or state of being free. Many around the world have the luxury of defining what “free” means to them because of the American service member.
On this day, we honor the history of more than 41 million men and women who have served to create, restore, and protect freedom around the world since the Civil War. Today, with more than 18 million living veterans, honoring them means serving our veterans in their time of need. By recognizing the unique skillsets and talents they possess and transferring them into our workforce, protecting their benefits, and fighting to ensure they live the dignified life our American heroes deserve
As men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. we will be in the forefront to ensure that our veterans have their opportunity to continue living with the dignity our men and women are entitled to. By joining the push at political levels to ensure that meaningful legislation for veterans is passed. Which protects them from predator acts and extends the reach of resources to our service men and women. Particularly the most vulnerable of that population; the homeless and those suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.
To our veterans, we want you to know that our fraternity supports legislation intended to improve the Veterans Administration (VA) healthcare system with increased accessible; expanded resources to veterans experiencing food insecurity and very low-income veteran families; and expanding the VA housing loan guarantee program to all service components. The men of Sigma are fully committed to social action within our communities, as well as, the American servicemembers; we stand with you, and your families.
On behalf of the Men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and the General Board, we sincerely want you to know that we thank you and honor your service on this Veterans Day.
Hon. Bro. Chris V. Rey, J.D.
International President, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Bros. Allie L. Braswell & Cyrus A. Netter
International Co-Chairs, Military Affairs Committee