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Bro. Eyan Belson

Our Western Region 4th quarter Spotlight shines on one of our outstanding Collegiate Brothers, Eyan Belson, who was initiated into Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Pi Delta Chapter, California State University, Chico on December 29, 2015. Bro. Belson is a current senior studying a dual major of Kinesiology and Physical Education Studies. After graduating, Bro. Belson plans to work with children who have mental, emotional, learning and physical disabilities. In his free time, Bro. Belson raps and makes conscious Hip-Hop music!

What sparked your interest in Sigma? I was a member of the Sigma Beta Club at Morningside High School in Inglewood, CA. I saw the pride that those brothers had in the brotherhood and I knew that I wanted the opportunity to experience that.
What advice do you have for your fellow Collegiate Brothers?
Stay focused and remember school is FIRST and foremost! Don't just be a Sigma. Join other organizations on campus and within your community, because we have to remember that every organization that we join outside of our Fraternity is a recruitment opportunity for our brotherhood.
What advice do you have for Alumni when it comes to understanding our Collegian?
Please try to be considerate of our funds. Alumni Brothers have to remember when we are planning state, regional, and even international meetings, conferences and conclaves that many collegiate Brothers do not have a stable job or steady source of income. Staying involved within our state and region can be difficult because of this and I think Alumni Brothers forget how difficult it was to be a college student, let alone a Collegiate Brother. One suggestion would be to start a regional fund that Collegiate Brothers can apply for to receive financial assistance with attending conferences, state meetings, and conclaves.

What is your favorite part of being a Man of Sigma?
That's easy: the brotherhood. Our brotherhood is true and not superficial. I know there are Brothers who I can call and have called in the past to lean on in my time of need. There are Brothers within our organization that are willing to help and do so without hope for reward or a returned favor. There are Brothers within Sigma who also are willing to help and I know I don't have to fear asking them nor do I have to worry about them stabbing me in the back after receiving their help.
You mentioned Brotherhood as your favorite aspect of Sigma, what does Brotherhood look like?
Brotherhood is true, it's being present and knowing you can call Brothers when you need help even when they might not be able to help. Brotherhood is pointing your Brothers in the right direction if you don't know the answer. Just being true to the brotherhood and the oath we all took.
What is your favorite Pi Delta Chapter Event?
There are a couple of events that we've hosted in the Pi Delta Chapter that I would say are my favorites. The first one is our financial literacy event. We brought Golden 1 Credit Union to talk about the importance of understanding financial literacy at a young age. I think we as black people, especially young black people, have to understand how to be smart with our money. The second event is Habitat for Humanity, an event where members of my chapter partner with a nonprofit organization that helps families build affordable housing to help strengthen our communities. It's hard work, but it is truly humbling.
What advice do you have for a young undergraduate males looking to join or considering Phi Beta Sigma?
Learn the Brotherhood. Get to know the Brothers in the chapter on your campus and in your community. I would also suggest thinking about your own goals and how we as an organization can help you achieve your goals. There are Brothers excelling in all walks of life who are more than happy to reach back and assist younger Brothers. Lastly, think about what makes you unique; we all benefit from the brotherhood and connections Sigma brings, but what can you give back to Sigma?
Follow Bro. Belson via social media on Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin
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