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Voting Resources

In the effort to keep you abreast of election info as it becomes available, I have attached a revised FAQ. This version clarifies the topic of requesting ID to vote. I have also attached a revised version of the slide deck we’ve been presenting from. Now that we are closer to the election, I have added info on the ballot marking device, interactive sample ballot (which provides a semi-contactless way to vote in-person), and info on the more button. As you may recall, the BMD only displays 5 candidates at a time. When there are more than 5 candidates in a contest the voter must press the more button to see the remaining candidates. Now when this situation arises, a black transparent overlay will appear on the screen to notify voters that there are additional candidate choices and that you will see them once you hit the more button. Voters must acknowledge that they received this message by pressing OK at which point the transparency disappears and the voter begins voting.
I have attached five new items: to help with our voter registration efforts:
Phi Beta Sigma Voter Registration ResourcesProject Vote Collegiate Chapter Grants
Updated Voter Registration Guide
Project Vote 2020 Mobilization
Black Men Vote
Vote Center Locations
Many folks have asked when lists for Vote Center and/or VBM drop boxes locations. Those lists will be available in Early October. On a related note, vote center locations will not be listed on the sample ballot books. Instead, every household or residential address will receive a single booklet listing all vote centers across the county. Additionally, each registered voter will receive a postcard that identifies the nearest vote centers to their home.
VBM Signature Cure
Previously if a voter failed to sign their VBM ballot or their signature did not match they had eight days to remedy this issue. We send them a letter explaining the situation with and area where they provide their signature before returning to us. They had eight days to complete this process. Given potential postal delays this time frame has been extended. While I do not have the memo in front of me I believe the the time frame has been extended to the week of Nov 22. If you want an exact date let me know and I will seek out that info.
- Voting is a right' not a privilege
- Voting rules and procedures vary by state & by county
- Stay up to date on the rules that affect you.
- Ask questions if you don’t understand.
- Make a PLAN to be a voter, to vote safely, and to have your vote counted.
- Talk to your family and friends and make sure that they have a plan to vote, and have the help they need, especially to vote safely during COVID-19. If someone is making voting difficult for you in a way that doesn't seem quite right, don't just give up and go home. Let the poll worker know that you understand your rights, and pick up the phone. [Voter activist Ho] recommends calling the election protection hotline run by a coalition of civil rights organizations 1-866-OUR-VOTE, your county board of elections, the state board of elections, or secretary of state's office. Check these resources frequently. Things are likely to change as the election nears. Other resources to check- your registered political party, your elected officials’ office, your union, local community organizations such as the League of Women Voters, Community Coalition, and the LA Urban League.
The goal is for 95% of grantees to be businesses owned by minorities and women. We will also prioritize businesses in these sectors: Construction, Manufacturing, Retail, Transportation Warehousing, Real Estate Renting, and or Leasing.
If you have any questions, please contact Ibrahima Souare, Community Development Officer.
Make Sure You're Registered to Vote
Coming Soon: List of Drop Box Locations
Recruitment and selection of Drop Boxes for the Presidential General Election is underway. Locations will be made available 30 days before Election Day.
There will be over 300 secure Drop Boxes throughout the County to safely return your voted ballot in this election.
Ballot Return ChecklistBefore you drop off your Vote by Mail ballot make sure:
- Place your voted ballot card(s) inside the Official Return Envelope
- Securely seal the Official Return Envelope
- Sign and date the back of the Official Return Envelope
How to Check if Your Ballot was Received and Counted
After returning your voted ballot via Drop Box or by mail you can check your ballot to make sure it was received and tallied through our Vote by Mail Status Tool. This tool will be available 30 days prior to Election Day.
Nationwide General Information for Voters
Bro. Woodrow BaileyDir., of Social Action | Western Region
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated