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Protests Across America

June 1, 2020 By

Why the outpouring and protests across the country and what needs to be done?

There have been countless protests including Colin Kapernick's peaceful non-violent attempt to bring attention to the police brutality resulting in nothing but being scorned, slandered, and mischaracterized. Instead of addressing the issue, he was blackballed AND no one listened! There have been march after march and protest after protest... yet no one listened and nothing has changed. Now we have societal unrest in every city.

When is enough - enough? It's not the 60's but we are really not far from it! The difference now is that nobody is turning the other cheek! There is a lot of hurt, frustration, anger and combined with the financial ruin, unemployment, and anguish from the fallout from COVID-19, this latest killing was simply a match to lite the fuse for people to explode like a bomb!

As much as we say it and want to believe things are better, WE need to stop saying All Lives Matter, when its clear in these long way from being the United States of America, BLACK Lives to many do not!

Yes, it's wrong to Riot and Loot! However, historically in every society when peaceful efforts are continuously unsuccessful, this is what happens! I pray this stops! I don't not want to continue waking up and seeing nonstop reports of riots and looting, but I and all who believe that "an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" are tired of seeing over and over and over again these black individuals killed unnecessarily. Let me be clear... not all Police are bad just like not all people are bad. I have many family, fraternity brothers, sorority sisters, and friends who are Police and put their lives on the line daily and even work with fellow officers that may despise them because of their gender, color or beliefs! It just makes it a scary situation when people are dying at the hands and knees of those who swore to protect and serve ALL! For the record... Looting & Rioting are WRONG!! I am 100% against it... but I 100% understand it! There is a better way to voicing frustration, but when voices go unheard or ignored, individuals end up expressing themselves in ways that may not be right, but how they feel is necessary!

In times like this, we need effective LEADERSHIP. The POTUS is supposed to be the leader for ALL Americans. However, What is our leadership doing? What is Trump doing? Sending out a message (then trying to walk it back) "...when the looting starts, the shooting starts". Miss us with the lies... he knew EXACTLY what he said! This is what "our" Nationalist thinking, Idiotic speaking President of the United States is advocating... violence vs black people some have interpreted it as looking at various news sources... hmmmm. Anyone with eyes can see that it isn't only BLACKS doing the rioting/looting! Well, that’s not for me to argue... come to your own conclusion! I will simply say WE really need to wake up!

I mean DAAAMMNN dude... For real? That's your Presidential response? The even sader part is his base will STILL listen and follow him... AND PEOPLE WONDER WHY AS A COUNTRY WE ARE WHERE WE ARE!

People need to wake up and realize what is needed for change... Continue to Protest and March, but follow it up by showing up and protest when it matters the most... vote!

If you are frustrated, upset and marching and protesting... but yet say you aren't going to VOTE for any and ALL LEVELS (especially local and state) because you don't like it cause your guy lost the primary or you think your vote won't matter, then NOTHING WILL CHANGE! Please use your power of voting LET'S GET SOMEBODY IN OFFICE THAT WILL REPRESENT ALL OF THE PEOPLE! Please!


Bro. Mark Armstrong
Sapphire Life Member #6SLM
Immediate Past | Western Regional Director
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated