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W. Seattle Rotary Shipping Spree

Tis the season for spreading joy, cheer – and most importantly warmth. This time of year, a warm coat can mean a lot to an elementary school student on a chillingly wet playground in Western-Washington. This is also a time of giving and reflection on what truly matters most. For some, what matters most is the kindness of a stranger and love of their community. That is why the annual West Seattle Rotary Shopping Spree means so much to the kids who receive and the members of the community who commit themselves to giving.
The West Seattle Rotary Shopping Spree project began in 1972 when a few Rotarians gifted several young people with a Christmas shopping spree. Since then, this event has grown into an annual occasion where members of the community treat students to a shopping spree.
Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Sigma Zeta Sigma Chapter | Tacoma, WA, Epsilon Epsilon Sigma Chapter | Seattle, WA and Kappa Lambda Chapter | University of Washington and the beautiful Sorors of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Eta Mu Zeta Chapter | Tacoma, WA, Rho Lambda Chapter | Sea-Tac, WA and Kappa Nu Chapter | University of Washington participated in this year’s Christmas shopping Spree hosted at the Westfield Shopping Mall Sears Department Store. Together, the Rotary Club of West Seattle, The Divine Nine, Sears, and some amazing other volunteers, we were able to give $15,000 worth of brand new coats, clothes, and shoes to elementary-age children attending various West Seattle Public Schools.
Photos of the event can be seen here