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New Partnerships
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., signs new partnerships with National Urban League and National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE).
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, incorporated is proud to announce its renewed commitment to impacting communities through aligned partnerships with national community service organizations. The Fraternity has signed new Memorandums of Understandings with the National Urban League (NUL) and National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives.
As a Brotherhood of Conscious Men Actively Serving our Communities, Phi Beta sigma chapters around the globe will be focused on being Conscious Servant Leaders deliberate in our actions in making a difference, " say Hon. Bro. Michael E. Cristal, International President and former Board chairman of the NUL Memphis affiliate. "We've joined with one of the nation's oldest and largest community-based movements dedicated to empowering African Americans to enter the economic and social mainstream. We've also taken a major step forward by agreeing to work collectively with the organization whose membership is comprised of the very individuals who've taken the oath to serve and protect our communities."
The National Urban League's historical impact on the nation's public policy and congressional advocacy is joining forces with Phi Beta Sigma to collaborate and bring together their collective networks to advocate for and influence decisions and positions related to mutually significant legislative, political, and public policy issues. Through the Advocacy and Empowerment Council, the organization will share regular legislative action alerts on major policy and legislative issues, mobilize Sigma members to participate, encourage registration and attendance at the NUL Washington Bureau's Legislative Policy Conference and the State of Black America Empowerment Summit, and support the NUL Young professionals program and curriculum.
Phi Beta Sigma's focused agenda of addressing social ills impacting African American communities makes the association with NOBLE an obvious fit. With 3,000 members operating 60 chapters worldwide, NOBLE serves as ht conscience of law enforcement by being committed to Justice by Action. The organization represent chief executive officers and command-level law enforcement officials from federal, state, county, municipal law enforcement agencies, and ciminal justice praticitioners. Similar to Phi Beta Sigma, NOBLE serves more than 60,000 youth through its major program which include Mentoring, Education, Leadership Development, and Safety. The newly aligned Memorandum of Understanding provides opportunity for NOBLE members to actively engage Fraternity and Sigma Beta Club members at regional and international conferences holding forums and seminars on such critical topics as community policing, gun control legislation, and activity, and safety.
I am proud to be a member of organizations such as Phi Beta sigma and the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE), as we partner and take a leadership role to ensure the fair and impartial treatment of ALL people, especially African Americans as it relates to law enforcement interaction, " shared by bro. Frank Nicholas, Chief of Police, Starksville, MS and 2nd Vice President of Delta Upsilon Sigma Chapter, Starksville, MS.