NW Area Director Bro. Richard S. Johnson held his first quarter Membership Development Institute (MDI) on Saturday, March 10, 2018 at Portland Community College - Cascade Campus. The NW Area is comprised of chapters in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.
The M.D.I. opened with a group discussion
Opportunity to clear the air.
How do we as the Pacific Northwest move in one direction?
What problems are happening? We are brothers so let’s talk about a solution.
Where would we like to see Phi Beta Sigma in the Northwest?
Are we satisfied?
NW Area Director Bro. Richard S. Johnson - State of the NW Area
Continuous growth within the last 24 months
Epsilon Epsilon Sigma | Seattle, WA now the fourth largest chapter with the Region
Reactivation of Kappa Lambda Chapter and the imminent chartering at Oregon State University
Possible re-establishment of collegiate chapters in Eastern Washington i.e. Cheney, Pullman, Moscow.
There must be a process in place to make sure the brothers and chapters in Eastern Washington must have the support to ensure their success
Discussion with Brothers in Pullman, Spokane, Moscow, and Coeur D’Alene to get an alumni chapter established is the first step.
And a responsible group of brothers to address any concerns and or problems that may arise.
Planning to reach out to Washington State University (WSU) Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
Bro. Ian Johnson is enrolled at WSU, focus should be to reach out to other brothers in area to gauge their level of interest.
Collegiate Recruiting
The University of Washington (UW) and Oregon State University (OSU), African American male population is low to begin.
The UW is neglecting access to the local majority, so we must get involved to help bring that up.
Even though demographics are not in our favor. We need to capitalize on the demographics we have.
PNW Collegians for long terms substitutability must begin to mirror their college/university demographics.
But we cannot forget to reach out to African American men. There needs to needs to be a fine balance.
This is the reason for investment into our feeder programs like Sigma Beta Club and our three male mentoring programs is so essential.
We need to be strategic, there is competition even with the newest multi-cultural communities.
Reactivation goal of Beta Omicron Chapter | Seattle City Wide chapter set for Spring 2019 targeting Seattle Univ., Seattle Pacific Univ., and Bellevue College.
Kappa Lambda Chapter must have a stake in Oregon State University success
We need to make sure our allies feel as welcome as possible.
Think about what things your chapter is doing well and focus on honing in on that craft and use that as a platform to support the brand.
We have a timely opportunity to make Phi Beta Sigma the beast of the Pacific Northwest.
Directional shift from state to area success.
Western Regional Dir., Bro. Mark A. Armstrong - State of the Region
Financially in the Black.
Upbeat about collegiate numbers climbing
No pending hazing legal cases in the region
Sigma Zeta Relations
Plan to increase notoriety
64th Western Regional Conference
Treasury audit planned to be completed by first week in June,