It is my pleasure in welcoming you to the new and improved website for the Western Region of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. I am truly blessed to service this region as its 33rd Western Regional Director. This regional board of elected and appointed officers is ready to serve the fraternity as we continue to uplift the high ideals of Brotherhood, Service and Scholarship.
In reinforcing the message that “I Am My Brother’s Keeper” it is critical that we continue to focus on effecting positive change in our communities. As Sigma Men, it is our duty to raise community consciousness, encourage high standards of scholastic achievement and foster a sense of togetherness, without being overbearing or developing a superiority complex. In addition, we must remain vigilant in our combined movement to provide service to our communities and transform them from mediocrity while setting a greater level of togetherness.
On behalf of the brothers of the Western Region, I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website and encourage you to come back and keep updated about the great work going on in this region.
Warmest Fraternal Regards,
Bro. Mark Armstrong
33rd Western Regional Director
Sapphire Life Member #6SLM
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.