The Alpha Upsilon Chapter at California State University, Dominguez Hills recently celebrated its 70th Anniversary on Saturday, December 17, 2016 in Carson, California. The event was established to honor and recognize the chapter's 70 years of dedicated service, as well as to recognize its continued and growing legacy on the campus of CSUDH. Brothers from the surrounding graduate chapters Kappa Delta Sigma Chapter | Carson, CA and Phi Beta Sigma Chapter | Los Angeles, CA were also in attendance.
Awards were presented to Bro. Michael Mahoney Sr., Bro. Scott Coleman, Bro. Stephen Rice, Bro. Sasan Poitevian, Bro. Aaron Street, Bro. Saud Muhammad and Bro. Deon Amos, who were rewarded for their years of diligence and perseverance. The brothers of the Kappa Delta Sigma Chapter were also presented with an award for their years of mentoring and guidance of Alpha Upsilon, with immediate past Western Region Director - Hon. Bro. Jeffrey Sneed - present to accept the award on the chapter’s behalf. Awards were presented by Bro. Kendrick Jones and Bro. Mike Mahoney who currently hold the chapter offices of Vice President and Treasurer respectively. The evening concluded with a slideshow presentation and a Certificate of Recognition were presented to the chapter by the Carson City Council as well as the Los Angeles City Council for chapter's 70 years of dedicated service.
The Alpha Upsilon Chapter was originally established July 7, 1946 and is the oldest collegiate chapter in the Western Region. As a citywide chapter, Alpha Upsilon was chartered in Southern California, bringing in a plethora of exceptional brothers who would eventually branch off and be influential in the establishment of Nu Upsilon Chapter at the University of Southern California. The chapter was rechartered at the California State University, Dominguez Hills, where it has received various forms of recognition by local and state officials and is highly respected throughout its community.